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A Morning Routine is a set of habits you go through when you wake up to prepare you for taking on the day.

But do you know that a successful morning routine starts the night before?

It starts by going to bed mentally ready to take on the next day. Your actions in the morning should be mostly physical.

Most people who talk about their morning routine sometimes make me question if they even have one themselves.

Why spend your best and quietest hours of the day sitting around journaling, planning, meditating, performing an in-depth skin care routine, etc.?

Do you plan for a trip on the day of the trip, then begin to pack and purchase your tickets to leave?

By then, half the day is over.

No. You must at least plan and prepare for that trip from the night before so that you can wake up the next day and do the bare minimum before leaving. As this will give you more time to enjoy your trip, see more and do more.

Well in the same sense, you need to set the tone for your day on the night before.

Journaling is best done at the end of your day. You can use this time to vent about your day to ‘Dear Diary’, say a prayer, then begin to make note of all that you want to do tomorrow to improve on today.

As for meditation, there is no better time to calm your mind than at the end of the day, before going to bed. It sounds to me like the perfect recipe for a deep and peaceful sleep.

If you are someone who performs intense workouts, add it to your morning routine if you have the time or use it to kick-off your evening routine.

To keep your morning routine simple, you need to eliminate a few steps the night before.

And to make it successful, you need to keep it simple.

So how do you do this?

On the night before:

  • Write down your plans/ main goals for the next day. You can always add to it on the day of if necessary.
  • Get to bed early enough to ensure 7 to 8 hours of sleep before your alarm needs to go off the next morning.

On the morning of:

  • Sit up and get your feet out of bed within seconds of your alarm.
  • Say a prayer or set an intention for the day in your mind. For example, say ‘Today will be a good day’. You may not always remember to take this step, but repetition creates habit.
  • Get freshened up
  • Put something in your stomach. Tea, water, coffee, a small breakfast, anything will do. I find that one of the things that would cause me to give up on anything halfway through is sudden hunger pains.

And that’s it!

You are ready to start your day.

After this, you can begin to give your attention to others- kids, pets, spouse, etc.

Your morning routine should be about you and no one else.

Therefore, it is vital to get enough rest so that you can wake up a few minutes early to give yourself a small moment to get ready for whatever is to come that day.

A simple morning routine can easily become a successful morning routine.

And that is all there is to it.

Thank you for reading.

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