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To get your life together is to be your own parent.

As you grow older, you might realize that there are many parts of your life that need change. You are no longer the careless youth you were.

For me it happened as I got closer to entering my late twenties. I was so confused as to what I was doing with my life and what I needed to do to feel better, that I would go to sleep and dream about my identity crisis.

I remember not knowing what that phrase was and dreaming about it, then waking up to quickly jot down the term identity crisis in the dark because I didn’t want to forget the next morning.

I thought knowing what was happening to me was the answer to fixing it. And, in a way it was. I was able to get comfortable with how I was feeling, and I began to understand that everyone, at some point in their lives, feels the same way. For most people, it happens when they are in their early to mid- twenties.

So, what I was going through was not weird at all but certainly difficult.

And to be honest, I still don’t really know what I am doing with my life. But changing little habits- being more responsible with the choices I make in my daily life, has helped me to navigate my path. I feel more on track with my life now. As if I can sense my purpose lingering nearby.

The changes I made are small.  Yet challenging as many were the exact opposite to how I was currently operating.

Each year, I work on perfecting these habits. It gets easier as I get older. I see more reasons as to why I need these changes.

Here are my 9 Tips for getting your life together:

1. Read a Book a Month

Getting your life together starts with expanding your knowledge and your vocab. The thoughts in your head and the words you speak can easily make or break your life.

Practice reading often. If you aren’t a fan of reading yet, practice starting with a book that is based on a topic you are most interested in or of a similar genre to movies/ films you most enjoy watching.

You don’t have to experience everything in life to learn lessons. You can learn through other people’s experience via reading and active listening.

2. Have a Sleep Routine

What is the optimum amount of time you need to sleep to feel your best?

For me it is 7.5 to 8 hours per night.

Too much sleep is just as bad for you as too little sleep. They both leave you feeling tired and unmotivated.

Having a sleep routine helps you to get your life together simply by making you feel more energized at the start of each new day.

I often go to sleep at various times every night, but my body is trained to sleep deeply for 7.5 to 8 hours each night. All I must do is make sure I go to bed early enough so that I can get my optimum amount of sleep before having to wake up the next morning.

3. Add a Glass of Fresh Juice to Your Daily Diet

Micronutrients (Vitamins and Minerals) are often the most overlooked as people are always laser-focused on carbs and calories to meet a certain diet. But micronutrients promote healthy development and wellbeing, as well as prevent various illnesses.

Since your body can only produce vitamin D, it is important for you to consume the others via food. And the best way to do this is to add a glass of fresh juice to your daily diet and just get it out of the way. Try to drink a variety of blends throughout the week that includes both fruits and vegetables to ensure you are consuming a little of every micronutrient.

4. Always Carry a Water Bottle with You

I am guilty of not consuming enough water throughout the day. Somedays I consume no water at all.

But water helps to flush your system of toxins, allowing you to feel so much lighter, and mobile, and confident in your appearance.

Taking a bottle of water with you on the go encourages you to consume more of it. You see it so you will drink it. It is no longer ‘out of sight, out of mind’.

5. Keep Lots of Healthy Home-made Snacks on Hand

Two things that can make you feel fatigued are hunger pains and consuming lots of junk food.

Both of those are a no if you want to get your life together. You need energy. You need to feel confident. And keeping healthy food/ home-made snacks on hand will not only keep your health in check but also save you some money.

6. Budget Your Income 

Every grown-up needs a budget. Besides saving you money, it can save you a ton of stress!

You’ll always be prepared for your expenses and know exactly where your money is going.

This will give you the advantage of being able to experience more that life has to offer because you can plan. And at the very least, you will sleep better at night knowing that your finances are under control.

7. Add Intentional Movement to Your Daily Life

There are lots of benefits to adding intentional movement to your day.

It relieves strain on your muscles depending on if you are sitting, standing, or even bending a lot.

It can also help to clear your mind, boost your mood, improve your energy levels, and feel confident in your body.

No matter how small it is, try intentional movement for at least 10 minutes every day.

8. Start a Side Hustle

Side hustle are a fantastic way to earn extra cash to pay off debt and relief yourself of some financial burdens. It is also a chance to turn your passion into your job. Earning more money can unlock a whole new set of opportunities for you.

A challenge that will help you to grow beyond what you originally set out to do.

9. Work on Your #1 Unhealthy Habit

Your unhealthy habits may not be as obvious as excessive smoking or drinking but you have one. We all do. None of us are perfect.

Some of us procrastinate a lot, spend too much time on the phone, interrupt others while they speak, listen to respond instead of understanding, spend money we don’t have, etc.

Unhealthy habits aren’t always obvious. If you don’t know yours, ask a few people around you. The most common answer you get back is the one you should practice working on.

What screams getting your life together more than actively taking responsibility for your own actions and trying to improve them.

Getting your life together is all for you. You are in competition with no one else but your past self. Let go of the past, welcome the future.

Thank you for reading.

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